SUNDAY SCHEDULE: Two Services 9 & 11 am and LIVESTREAM (11 am) at BIBLECHURCH.LIVE

Resources for Parents

Here are several resources that will help you and your child discuss important safety issues.

Resources for Parents

Our hope is that parents feel equipped to talk with their children about sexual abuse and protecting their bodies. While it is a difficult conversation to have, it is important that your child understands, when they feel unsure, it is okay to speak to someone. These conversations could happen over time and through small, teachable moments, but teaching children about abuse is a key step in preventing them from being abused. 

Here are several resources that will help you and your children as you are having these important conversations:

If you or someone you know has been a victim of abuse, here are some local organizations where you can receive help.

CHBC’s priority is to disciple children and families to love and follow Jesus. He loves and cares for each of his children and his heart breaks when others seek to harm them. In an effort to protect our children, CHBC has developed safety protocols (click link below). If you have any questions about our protocols, please reach out to our Interim Kids Director, Betsy Riggan.