SUNDAY SCHEDULE: Two Services 9 & 11 am and LIVESTREAM (11 am) at BIBLECHURCH.LIVE

The Family

Family life is for discipleship.

In both Old and New Covenants, parents are explicitly charged to raise their children to know and love the Lord (Deut 6:4; Eph 6:4). Parents cannot do this apart from the local church, but in ordinary circumstances, within a believing household, the local church does not replace the parents. The local church and parents thus work together to evangelize and disciple youth.

A parent's primary vocation is the discipleship of his or her children.

There is no question that teens pull away from their parents, seek independence, and are greatly influenced by their friends. Nonetheless, parents are not absolved of their duty to disciple. The forms of discipleship can vary. One is suggested below (family worship) but others may be employed. Care must be taken to verbally and actively communicate the worth of Jesus above all earthly treasures (Phil 3:8), including good grades, college admissions, financial security, good behavior, and similar potential idols.

Family worship is a biblical and wise practice for family discipleship.

Family worship is enjoined in numerous ways throughout the Bible (most notably Deut 6:4-9 and Eph 6:4). We are not dogmatic about the way in which family worship must be practiced. Individual families will find what works best for them. But the “ingredients” of faithful reading and interpretation of Scripture, dependent prayer, and spiritual fellowship are imperative. We commend the practice of family worship as a means of fulfilling the command to “bring [up your children] in the discipline and instruction of the Lord” (Eph 6:4).