Summer Sunday Schedule Each Sunday, 10 am (+ LIVESTREAM) LEARN MORE

College Collective

College Ministry @ CHBC

What is College Collective?

We are a strong, gospel-centered community striving to be transformed by the gospel: our lives, our cities and our world. We meet on Sundays and have life groups throughout the week. We’d love to get to know you!

We exist to glorify God, being transformed by the Gospel, loving students and feeding them from God’s Word, challenging them to grow, and inviting them to use their gifts to serve in UNC, Duke, and NC State University.

Meeting Regularly

We meet Sunday mornings during the academic year at 9 am in the Chapel at CHBC. Rides to the church are provided from campus each week and we have bagels ready for students when they arrive.

We also hold fall/spring retreats, gatherings, and other events over the course of the year.

Being In Community

Life Groups

Life groups are a great way to plug in weekly and get connected to College Collective through a smaller group. We have life groups that meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays - we'd love for you to join one!

Shepherding Families

Shepherding families are a way to have a 'home away from home'. We will connect you (and a few other students) with a family from our congregation to get to know, have meals with, and it's a great way to connect with the church body at large.