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Women's Ministry

Gathering women around God's Word, prayer, and community.

What is Women's Ministry?

OUR VISION IS THAT woMEN WILL BE TRANSFORMED MORE INTO THE LIKENESS OF CHRIST by his word and spirit at work through relational community.

Our heart is for the women of the Bible Church to deepen our love for God and each other as we grow stronger and are transformed through the application of His Word in our hearts, lives, and communities. We know that the Bible bears the roots of wisdom and life- the very Word of God given to us, so we want to be a group of women committed to studying the Scriptures together and allowing them to teach, correct, train, and equip us as Godly women. We also know we are called to love, mentor, and bear with one another in Gospel-centered community, so we want to provide opportunities to connect deeply and richly with other women of our church body, so that we are walking alongside and spurring one another on in our day-to-day rhythms and roles.

2024-25 Women's Bible Study

Fall Session Begins on Tuesday, September 17 (Mornings) & September 24 (Evenings)

Join us at The Well as we dive into a year-long study through the book of John on Tuesday mornings or evenings. We begin meeting on September 17, 2024 (mornings) and September 24, 2024 (evenings) and continue (with breaks) through the beginning of May. Large group teaching and small group discussion, as well as assigned reading and questions to guide you through the week's passage, help to engage and reveal God's truth through His word. Come drink deeply with us and be refreshed!