Summer Sunday Schedule Each Sunday, 10 am (+ LIVESTREAM) LEARN MORE

423 Communities

A ministry for men, women, and teens struggling with porn and sex addiction.

423 Communities

423 Communities are men, women, and young people recovering from the impact of bad sexual choices. They are radically committed to helping others overcome sex addiction and to stopping the spread of pornography in our families, churches, and cities around the world.

5 Minute Overview

423 Men

CHBC wants to help men break the addictive cycle of unwanted sexual sin. 423 Men is for those who have tried and failed to achieve sexual purity. You are not alone. We meet weekly for mutual support, accountability, and to honestly confess our utter dependence on Jesus Christ. You can share your story in a safe, confidential, and anonymous environment with other men who have achieved victory they never dreamed possible.

You can overcome sexual sin, but you can’t do it alone. There is hope.

If you have specific questions about 423 Men at CHBC, reach out to CHBC member and group leader, Ryan Threadgill. For more information about 423 Communities, go to

423 Sisters

423 Sisters provides support and emotional connection within a safe community of women to find encouragement after the devastation and trauma of broken trust.

A common theme is that women are often under-supported and feel alone with their husband or significant other’s sexual addictions. Alongside 423 Men, CHBC wants to provide a space for you to find support to support not just the individual, but the household.

Spring Session: April 2 through May 14

Fill out the form below to get more info and get plugged into 423 Sisters.

NOTE: Your name will remain anonymous with exception to our Women's Minister and local group leader(s).