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New City Catechism

Youth Sunday School 2022-2023


Catechism is the historic Christian practice of teaching practical Christian doctrine to new believers in a question-and-answer format. The Yard will make use of the New City Catechism this year in Sunday school, not to cram your teens' heads with information, but rather to ensure that your teens are, in the words of William Perkins, "fit to hear sermons with profit, and to receive the Lord's Supper with comfort." Perkins wrote his Foundation of the Christian Religion to help his church members participate fully in the church's life of worship – hearing the word proclaimed, singing, praying, serving one another, and partaking of the sacraments. Our prayer is that our study of the New City Catechism will equip your teen to participate with profit in CHBC's gathered worship. Please pray with us to this end.


While we will be teaching through the Catechism on Sunday mornings, we hope that it permeates your family's life throughout the week. We've recorded a couple of interviews on our Parent Resource Hub with practical suggestions for how your family might use the Catechism on ordinary days.

  1. Family worship: an interview with Dillan Gomez (a former Yard leader and CHBC intern) on his experience of regular family worship as a teenager. Listen here.
  2. Catechizing the family: an interview with Brian Sumner (a Yard parent) on his experience using the Catechism with his family. Listen here.

Access the New City Catechism questions and answers, commentary, and prayer suggestions here.

This Week's Lesson

May 21, 2023 – Lesson 28 (q. 48)

This week, we conclude our series on the New City Catechism with a question on the nature and mission of the church.

Access the lesson plan, along with application points and prayer suggestions.

Past Lessons