Summer Sunday Schedule Each Sunday, 10 am (+ LIVESTREAM) LEARN MORE

The Prayer Room

A peaceful space set aside for the CHBC family to seek God and intercede for the Kingdom.

A Peaceful Space to Pray

May God's Kingdom come and will be done in and through CHBC as we become a "house of prayer for all peoples" (Isa. 56:7).

Flowing from a powerful week of unceasing prayer thru Holy Week, we will continue to make the prayer room available during normal business hours:

  • Monday–Thursday: 9 am – 4 pm;
  • Sunday: 9 am - 1 pm

Please take advantage of this peaceful space set aside for the CHBC family to seek God and intercede for the Kingdom. We will continue to provide prayer resources to guide you (if needed) and weekly prayer requests and themes to pray over, as well as a prayer board to express your heart through words and/or images. 

To make a reservation for the Prayer Room, please email with the day/time you wish to reserve it for. 

Prayer Room

Where is the Prayer Room?

Please enter the building through the office entrance, go up the stairs or elevator to second floor, and the prayer room is located in "The Parlor" [room 304] in adult classroom wing.