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Taking Up the Cross

Discipleship Class 2022

Taking Up the Cross helps students discover what it means to follow Jesus. Like the catechism classes of the historic church, Taking Up the Cross receives its structure from the three theological virtues (faith, hope, and love, from 1 Cor 13:13).

  • Faith concerns what Christians must believe. We will expound this content using The Apostles’ Creed.
  • Hope concerns the everyday experience of Christians living between Christ’s first and second coming. We will explore the features of this kind of life using The Lord’s Prayer.
  • Love concerns a Christian’s entire duty to God and humanity. We will elucidate “evangelical obedience” – obedience to God’s law fueled by God’s grace – using The Ten Commandments.

Most importantly, I want to equip your teens to count the cost, deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow Jesus (Matt 16:24), given that they have professed faith and pledged their lives to him. The Bible and experience has convinced me that in our changing world, young people will walk steadfastly with Jesus only when they treasure Christ such that all else is “rubbish” (Phil 3:8-10) in their eyes. Please pray with me that God would use this class to confirm students’ faith and cause them to see the surpassing beauty of Jesus Christ – this is, after all, the work of the Holy Spirit (2 Cor 3:18).


Week 1: Introduction

Following Jesus is costly and Jesus is the most valuable treasure we could possess.

Download the student workbook for this section.

Download the parent booklet for this section.

Faith: The Apostles' Creed

Week 2: Our Almighty God

Christians desire to know the God who saved them.

Download the student workbook for this section.

Download the parent booklet for this section.

Week 3: The Gospel of Jesus Christ

I am united to Christ by faith. What he earned, he gives to me.

Download the student workbook for this section.

Download the parent booklet for this section.

Week 4: Life in the Church

The Holy Spirit indwells believers. The church is the center of the Christian's life.

Download the student workbook for this section.

Download the parent booklet for this section.

Hope: The Lord's Prayer

Week 5: Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication

Lord, teach us to pray.

Download the student workbook for this section.

Download the parent booklet for this section.

Love: The Ten Commandments

Week 6: Love the LORD Your God

Love the Lord, wholly and solely.

Download the student workbook for this section.

Download the parent booklet for this section.

Week 7: Love Your Neighbor

Love your neighbor as yourself.

Download the student workbook for this section.

Download the parent booklet for this section.