Summer Sunday Schedule Each Sunday, 10 am (+ LIVESTREAM) LEARN MORE

Who We Are

We are the youth ministry of CHBC serving middle and high schoolers, parents, and church members.


To help youth rest and remain in Jesus so they can help others do the same

We "help" because we cannot of ourselves cause students to rest and remain in Jesus. Only the Holy Spirit can do this decisive work. However, his sovereignty does not destroy our responsibility; it establishes our responsibility. He chooses to use means to accomplish his gracious work, including our discipleship efforts.

To "rest" in Jesus is the fundamental posture of the Christian. We rest because Christ has entered into heavenly rest (Heb 4) and those who are united to him by faith are seated with him there (Eph 2:6). This rest consists in entrusting ourselves to Jesus by faith and thereby receiving his righteousness. "Rest" is the disposition of those to whom it is said, "Already you are clean" (John 15:3).

To "remain" in Jesus is the ongoing posture of the Christian (John 15:1-17). It connotes the vital union which we have with him and in which we are called to abide. Apart from him we can do nothing, but united to him, we put sin to death (Rom 8:13) and live unto righteousness (Rom 6:17-19) by the power of the Spirit. This summarizes the life of persevering discipleship which we desire for our students.

Finally, we want our students to "help others do the same" because every disciple is called to make disciples (Matt 28:16-20); that is, to help others rest and remain in Jesus.


To foster intergenerational friendships centered on Scripture, prayer, and godly encouragement

In order for teens to rest and remain in Jesus and help others do the same, mature saints must teach them the gospel and show them how to live in Christ. Our primary ministry activity is the fostering of discipleship relationships between youth and older church members. These relationships are formed primarily in small groups that meet on Wednesday nights, during which students and leaders study the Bible and pray together, grow in friendship, and discern how to live for the glory of Christ. We believe that such intergenerational discipleship relationships ought to mark the local church (within and outside of youth ministry; see e.g., Tit 2:1-6) and thus are blessed by God for the maturation of his saints.

Core Convictions

What We Do

Looking for summer happenings? Click the button below for more information.

Sundays (resuming August 25)

Middle School Sunday School, 9am to 10:30am, in the Youth Center

This school year, we'll investigate what the Bible teaches us about what a Christian is and how a Christian acts. All middle school students (6th–8th grade) are welcome.

High School Sermon Discussion, 9am to 10:30am, in the Youth Center

High schoolers are invited to this class oriented around public worship. Each week, we discuss the sermon from the previous week in order to help high schoolers engage in public worship with their minds and hearts. All high school students (9th–12th grade) are welcome.

All teens should participate in public worship (the church's main gathering) weekly. Sunday school does not replace public worship; it complements it.

Wednesdays (resuming August 28)

Wednesday Bible Study, 7pm to 8:30pm, in the Youth Center

Middle and high school students gather, play games, meditate on a passage of Scripture, pray together, and have fun!
